Nude Skydiving: Is It Allowed?
Posted by: Skydive Key West
10 months ago
Have you ever envisioned a skydive (or done one) and thought, “Ya know what would make this so much better, being completely naked!” No? Well, you might be surprised that for many jumpers, naked skydiving is part of their calling to the skies!
Before you start picturing a sky full of birthday suits, it’s not that kind of party here at Skydive Key West. While we won’t be hosting nude skydiving anytime soon (tandem jumps are exciting enough!), let’s get into the allure, the whys, and the age-old traditions of naked parachute jumping.

Naked Skydives: Why?
We’re taking it a step further from, “Why on earth would you jump from a perfectly good airplane?” and adding, “… in the nude?” Well, there’s a few reasons people choose to rip a naked skydive!
People who regularly do naked parachute jumps (yes, these wild creatures do exist), love the freedom it brings. Personally, we feel clothed skydiving brings enough liberation, but some vehemently claim that being totally exposed takes it to another level. People who continuously jump rave about the mental benefits – it brings a new lease on life – and perhaps having this experience while letting it all hang out is even more rejuvenating! Empowerment through vulnerability, right?
Bragging rights.
Many naked parachuters jump in the nude for the simple, “I did it and you didn’t – HAH!” If we’re being real, naked sky diving isn’t something ya do every day, SO, for those who have soared the skies in the buff, it’s sort of an honor. Or at least a conversation piece!
Bucket list.
Some people need to throw caution AND their clothes to the wind. If simply checking off a good ole fashioned skydive from your bucket-list doesn’t do it for ya, go in the nude! Unfortunately, very few tandem instructors will take naked skydivers, so you’ll need to earn your solo license to pursue this endeavor.
But, Key West is known for being pretty “clothing optional,” so what’s the deal? What’s up with no tandem nude skydives!? Fair question! Once we explain this, you won’t be so gung-ho about a naked tandem skydive. Tandem jumps are awesome – they allow novices to be introduced to the beauty of the sport with minimal training from a professional instructor. Here’s the thing, tandem skydiving is an up close and personal activity; you are literally attached to your instructor. Most instructors and tandem students, who will have just met each other, aren’t so keen on the whole naked-with-a-stranger aspect of tandem skydiving.
The other thing to consider about naked skydiving is the harness. You’re securely attached to your instructor by a tight-fitting harness that you step into and pull up like pants and that buckles across your chest. This means your “bits” are liable to get a bit squished.

Just like people do polar plunges or races for charitable causes, skydivers take it a step above with SANS skydiving. Many of these jumpers raise awareness or funds for causes pertaining to mental health betterment – check out Rian Kanouff who did 60 naked jumps in 24 hours to honor his friend and raise awareness for those who struggle with mental health (and he set the SANS world record doing it).
What Is SANS?
The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving (SANS) is a very real thing, indeed! Those who complete a naked skydive (lovingly called “a SANS jump”) will receive a SANS number and memorabilia, like stickers, to commemorate their dive. SANS is a self-governing organization that simply wants to promote naked jumping! Fun fact: Sans is French for ‘without.’
Naked Skydives: How?
Are there naked-specific plane loads of skydivers? Do some people on the plane choose to be clothed and subjected to the exposed bits and pieces of other jumpers? No, no.
Here’s how it typically works: if someone wants to do a SANS jump, they must check with every single person who will also be in the plane with them to make sure there’s full transparency and comfort. Generally, people are jumping together in the nude, so this isn’t an issue. Are they naked the entire time? Nope. Skydivers will strip it down, get their rig on, then place loose-fitting shorts over the leg straps of their rig for the ride to altitude. Right before exit, they’ll whip the shorts off, stash them away, and bolt from the plane.

What’s The Tradition?
Ahhh, the classic hundie-undie. When a skydiver hits any commemorative jump, it’s a pretty big deal, and the 100th skydive is perhaps the most exciting. The big 100 is celebrated with one jumping in their underwear (or without a stitch) and getting pied right in the face (may we recommend Key Lime pie?!).
You can still embrace the thrill and chase the freedom while you’re all buttoned up. We can’t wait to have your fully attired self here at Skydive Key West – book today! Blue skies!