Is Skydiving Scary? | Skydive Key West Skip to Content

Skydive Key West Posted by: Skydive Key West 3 weeks ago

There you are, standing on the edge of a new adventure and thinking, “Is skydiving scary?” You’re not alone in wondering if it’s scary to skydive. Many first-timers have that flutter of fear in their stomachs as they envision leaping from an airplane – it’s not only natural, but it would be a bit odd if you had zero fear! But, really, how scary is skydiving? And is it worth it to overcome that temporary fear? 

Here’s the thing: fear is a natural part of the thrill. Understanding it can really help turn your apprehension into excitement, and create a memory that will last a lifetime! 

older gentlemen wearing a white long sleeve shirt smiles during his Florida Keys Skydiving experience

Is It Scary To Skydive For The First Time? 

We want you to think to yourself for a second … why am I feeling scared about skydiving? Are you battling a fear of heights? Worried about equipment failure? Or overwhelmed with the mystery of the whole shabang? Maybe you’re not even scared, but everyone else’s nerves are rubbing off on you, hmm!? What is the scariest part about skydiving, in our opinion? The unknown, of course! 

Why are people so scared to take the leap? Let’s take a quick dive into the whys behind a few common skydiving anxieties: 

Fear of heights. 

Acrophobia be gone! It’s understandable to equate skydiving with heights and then make the connection to that icky feeling you get while standing on the edge of a cliff. When you’re in a plane, looking down at the earth below, you don’t get that whoosh of butterflies in your stomach like you do by standing on a skyscraper or riding a carnival ride. 

Being as high as we are when we jump sort of distorts our reality and disbands our depth perception in the best way possible. Our brains can’t register normal reference points – like how high trees are – and this makes our ability to gauge distance (or height) pretty absent. 

  • Is skydiving scarier than a roller coaster? Not in our humble opinion! Would you rather be strapped inside a rickety-rackety cart as you whip around on a few wheels, OR (hear us out), secured to a professional instructor with hundreds or thousands of jumps who can (literally) hold you through the skydiving process? 

Fear of equipment failure. 

The mystery of how skydiving equipment works is part of the fear of the unknown! How are all these crazy skydivers so comfortable with jumping multiple times per day? We trust our gear! 

Think of skydiving equipment like driving a car for the first time. At first, a car seems super intimidating – there are numerous buttons, switches, lights, and pedals that you don’t fully understand. You probably worried about how everything worked together to keep you safe on the road, but once you understood it, it all came together and made sense. Skydiving equipment is the same way! 

Fear of the unknown. 

Imagine you’re about to cook a dish for a bunch of people with unfamiliar ingredients and complex instructions – ah! The stress sets in and you literally turn into the little sweaty-face emoji. Then, a master chef comes in to help you! Think of the intimidating recipe as your first skydive and the master chef as the professional tandem instructor you’ll be with. Skydiving for the first time is full of “firsts” and we’re here to guide you through them, every step of the way! 

How To Conquer Skydiving Fears

Feeling uneasy about leaping from thousands of feet in the sky is understandable! Remember: Although humans are awesome, the entirety of a skydive is totally unnatural and it’s normal to feel nervous. The good thing about the fears mentioned above (and any others you may have) is that they’re generally manageable! With some education, the right mindset, and an awesome support system – you’ve got this! 

Safety measures. 

Skydiving gear – from the harnesses and helmets to the aircraft – is meticulously designed, rigorously tested, and has upkeep to the highest standards. Skydivers place safety first (right before looking good and having fun!), and this intentionally shared mentality of the community is what allows us to enjoy the sport over and over again. We don’t ignore the risk that skydiving inherently holds but rather respect it, lean into it, and do everything we can to mitigate it. 

Instructor support.

We talked about how our instructors are highly experienced and credentialed, but let’s not forget their exceptional expertise in all the parts of taking someone skydiving for the first time! Yes, skydiving instructors know how to skydive, but they also know how to calm nerves, give you all the reassurance you need, and make sure you’re 100% comfortable for the jump ahead. Tandem instructors were once in your exact shoes, dear first-timer, so they really do get exactly what you’re feeling. 

Girl smiling and giving the shakka symbol while in freefall over Key West

How To Mentally Prepare For Skydiving 

Gradual acclimation helps you to conquer those nerves and prepare for your first skydive! Start off with some basic research, like reading our blog or taking a peek at United States Parachute Association (USPA) skydiving statistics. Next, talk with avid jumpers! There are plenty of Facebook forums for beginners. And if your unease is getting the best of you, don’t hesitate to give us a call! We’re always happy to talk with you about any concerns you have. 

We’re so excited for you to see the Florida Keys from a bird’s eye view. Book your jump today! 

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